My first memories of Aunt Becky are when she would let me go into her bedroom and turn off the light. She had glow stars covering the walls and ceiling. I loved it.
The other thing that makes me think of Aunt Becky is the book 'If You Give a Pig a Pancake' because she had it on her bookshelf one time when she baby sat us. If there is one thing that makes a good babysitter it is reading books-lots of them, maybe more than once.
Now that I am older and not so impressed with books and glow stars, I like to look at her facebook page. You can tell she really loves her family, has a good sense of humor (she dose not just post the cheesy stuff) and is always smiling. She has got lots of pictures of her two little boys and encouragements for her husband.

It was she that first made me think about midwifery. She may not even remember but I told her I was thinking of becoming a lactation consultant and she was so enthusiastic. After saying how wonderful it was, she said, "and a midwife too? They go hand in hand!"
Another lady asked what I was doing since I graduated and when I told her the same thing, she just looked at me and said, "Why not just be a nurse?" You can imagine which one I thought about more.
Thank you Aunt Becky!
Thank you so much for honoring me, lady. I love you so much and I'm so proud of the woman you are. I needed some encouragement and you seemed to know it. So happy you are pursuing midwifery and lactation consulting. You will be so wonderful at it! Of course wonderful people like you will be wonderful at anything they pursue.