Survey for School!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Of Cinnamon Rolls and Woodstoves

So a couple weeks ago our family went to the community center to help pack shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. It was the first time we had heard about it and we really liked it. Basically you pack a shoebox with toys, soap, toothpaste and brush, paper, pencils, crayons, candy, and anything else a child might like or need. Then you can add a note to your box and pray for the child it will go to. The Samaritan's Purse Organization sends your box to some place where children don't normally get Christmas presents.

What does this have to do with cinnamon rolls and woodstoves? Well actually it doesn't have to do with woodstoves but I'll tell you about the cinnamon rolls. We decided to pack our own shoeboxes at home. Of course it takes some money to fill and ship 9 shoeboxes so we are selling cinnamon rolls to pay for it. We made around 20 plates of rolls on Saturday and 15 so far today.

caught liking finger!
Don't worry though, since we are selling them we are being extra careful to keep everything clean. I can assure you that Laura washed her hands before touching anything else.
Now for the woodstoves:
In the summer the woodstoves are ignored. Completely abandoned. In fact, stuff gets piled on and around them so that you hardly know they're there. But in the winter it's all different. The fireplace is the middle of the house. Everyone gathers around so that some times you can be five feet from it and still be cold! You can't walk past the stove. It's true. It's impossible. There is like a magnetic force pulling you towards it. Then once you are there you are stuck, sometimes for hours!
Edit: This post was supposed to be done yesterday but I really wanted pictures of the woodstove and couldn't find any. I may still add some if they pop up.

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